Shadows #5
2014, 22” x 28” (commissioned)
The last variation of the “Shadows” series.
2014, 22” x 28” (commissioned)
There are two main themes in this painting.
First, the queen is being attacked by the knight, but she has something that is defending her, symbolized by a dog-like creature swallowing the sword.
This defender can be interpreted in any suitable way, depending on different believes and/or knowledge (example: miracle, guardian angel, circumstance, etc.)
Secondly, a strong symbol in the painting is the hand pushing the white pawn to fight the black officer. For me personally it has a great meaning, it reminds me that in any conflict there is no simple right or wrong, nothing is black or white as they say. More often than not we don’t see real reasons behind certain events.
24×24 inches.
A contemplation about heroes and their impact on our lives.
Heroism and its core drive-The Will.
“Lovely Eyes”
16×20 inches.
There is the saying: “Blind leading the blind!”
The purpose of this painting is to show that there is no need to go far to find your eyes.
They’re under your nose so to speak .
“Dancing Away #2”
24×24 inches. (commissioned)
Life is fun, let’s dance through it!
“Shadows #4”
22×28 inches. (commissioned)
Continuation of the “Shadows” series.
“Eve” 1 and 2
16×20 inches. (commissioned)
Fun project, done in accordance with the abstract story written by the commissioner.
“The Qualities” series
“Mr. Pointson”, “Mr. Handson”, “Mr. Dogson” ,
“Mr. Fistson” , “Lady Lipps” and “Lady Eve Sdrop”
These six little oil paintings (11×14 inches)
are expressions of various personality qualities.
16″ x 20″
As member of society, each one of us is required to obey certain rules in order to survive in modern civilization. Good or bad? Who can tell!?
“Shadows #2 “
16″ x 20″
This painting is the recreation of one of my earlier compositions “Shadows” created in 2010. The idea behind this is that no matter how intimate or private the things we do, something or someone always watches us. Whatever or whoever it might be, depends on the individual ideology.